Our privacy policy

This Privacy Policy describes how we handle the information and data you share with us so that we can provide you with the best use of our services. Our company, BACE ECOM LTDย with a registered address at 123 Cumberland Road, Reading, England, RG1 3JY, operates a website at glossiebeauty.com ("Platform").

We, at our location 123 Cumberland Road, Reading, England, RG1 3JYย will process your data provided to us or otherwise held by us in the manner and for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. The collection and processing of your personal data will be done in accordance with applicable data protection laws, in particular Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), and any other applicable local data protection laws.

This Privacy Policy applies to you if you are a user of our Platform. We encourage all our users to read the Privacy Policy carefully. We aim to provide you with all information as understandable as possible. However, if anything remains unclear, we will be happy to explain any terms or passages in this Privacy Policy to you.

This Privacy Policy applies to you if you are a user of our platform. We encourage all our users to read the Privacy Policy carefully. We aim to provide you with all information as comprehensibly as possible. However, if anything remains unclear, we will be happy to explain any terms or passages in this Privacy Policy to you.

1. Who is responsible for the processing of your data?
The controller of your personal data is Glossie ("the Company" or "we").

If you have a request regarding the processing of your data or wish to exercise your rights as described in section 4 below, please send an email to support@glossiebeauty.com.

2. Who is responsible for the processing of your data?
We only process your personal data to the extent determined by the services we provide to you (i.e. operation of the Platform) or other related processing purposes as specified below.

2.1 We use your personal data to provide you with the information, products and services you request or purchase from us when you shop online. In this context, we use your personal data to process your order and payment transactions and to manage your deliveries, claims, returns and refunds in a secure and efficient manner. Order and payment data collected for the above purposes is also used for marketing, subject to certain conditions and limitations, business development and analytical purposes and to detect fraud and theft in connection with online sales and to comply with applicable laws that data is necessary to process your purchases on the Platform (collectively "Personal Data"); When Glossie makes products and services available to you, we process your Personal Data necessary to enter into a contract with you and to fulfill all obligations arising from itย contract, whether the agreement relates to an order and payment or use of other services provided by us or third parties. To identify you and contact you when an item you have signed up to receive information about becomes available for purchase again, we use business legitimate interests as the legal basis for processing. The personal data we obtain directly from you when you place an order, make a payment or use one of our other services will only be used to the extent necessary to process the order and provide the requested products and services.

2.2 When you place an order, make a payment, return a product or sign up for a financial service, we use your personal data to verify your identity and your ability to enter into a contract, to verify that the financial information you provide is correct, to perform fraud checks or to prevent other illegal activities.

2.3 We may contact you electronically (e.g. by email) to promote our services, even without your prior consent. However, you can refuse to receive such marketing communications at any time (i.e. you can unsubscribe from such communications - this option is mentioned in each newsletter). Your contact details will be processed for the duration of the contractual relationship unless you unsubscribe.

In other cases, e.g. in connection with the marketing of other services or if we send communications tailored to your specific interests and needs, we may process your personal data on the basis of your consent. Your personal data will be processed for as long as the consent is valid.

2.4 For the security of IT systems and networks, we may process the following information: username, password, log files and cookies (more information in section 9) and automatically generated information (e.g. the type of device you use, the IP address of your device, the operating system you use, the browser software you use). The legal basis for this processing is our or a third party's legitimate interest. The personal data will be processed for the duration of the contractual relationship.

2.5 In addition, we may process and store some of the data mentioned above (e.g. payment data) for possible claims in the future. This processing is based on our or a third party's legitimate interest, as we may need to keep evidence of any disputes that may arise. Personal data will be processed for the period necessary to fulfill this purpose, but no longer than for a period of ten years from the start of the statutory limitation period in each case.

3. With whom do we share your personal data?
We share your personal data within Glossie when necessary to achieve the intended purpose. For the same reason, personal data is also shared with suppliers who perform certain tasks on our behalf, such as fulfilling orders and processing payments. Glossie is always fully responsible for its suppliers.

From time to time, we may also share personal data with independent third parties, such as electronic communication providers, banks and postal services. Please note that many of these recipients have an independent right or obligation to process your personal data in their own right.

Unless expressly stated herein, we will never transfer, sell or trade your data to third parties.

We may transfer your personal data to our suppliers in China. The legal basis for such processing is

the performance of a contract (i.e. the provision of our services) to which you are a party. Personal data will be processed for the duration of the contractual relationship and at any time thereafter to comply with our legal obligations and to serve our legitimate interests.
to protect the vital interests of our customers;
to protect our property, platform and legal rights;
in connection with shipping and related services for purchases made;
to assess and manage risks and prevent fraud against us, our servers and fraud against our platform,
including fraud occurring with or relating to our business partners, strategic companies or other persons and merchants;
protect our business by reporting information to credit reporting and collection agencies;
protect our business by reporting information to support our audit, compliance and corporate governance functions.
Our China-based partners outside the EU commit to take appropriate measures in accordance with national and local privacy laws to ensure high standards of privacy protection.

We commit that any data transfer to our suppliers in China will be subject to the contractual principles of the GDPR, which will be included in our agreements with our suppliers.

4. What are your rights in relation to processing?
Right of access:
You have the right to request information about the personal data we hold about you at any time. Please contact customer service and we will provide you with your personal data via email.

Right to portability:
If Glossie processes your personal data by automated means based on your consent or pursuant to a contract, you have the right to have a copy of your data transferred to you or another party. This only includes the personal data you have provided to us.

Right to rectification:
You have the right to request rectification of your personal data if the information is incorrect, including the right to have incomplete personal data completed.

If you have a Glossie account, you can edit your personal data via your account pages.

Right to erasure:
You have the right to have your personal data processed by Glossie erased at any time. Your request may be prevented if any of the following circumstances apply:

*You have an ongoing case with customer service
*You have an outstanding order that has not yet shipped or partially shipped
*you have credit with Glossie, regardless of payment method.

Right to object to processing based on legitimate interest:
You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data based on Glossie's legitimate interest. Glossie will not continue to process the personal data unless we can demonstrate legitimate grounds for the processing that outweigh your interests and rights or due to legal requirements.

Right to restriction:
You have the right to request Glossie to restrict the processing of your personal data in the following circumstances:
* if you object to processing based on Glossie's legitimate interest, Glossie will stop all processing of such data until the legitimate interest is verified.
* if you claim that your personal data is inaccurate, Glossie shall stop all processing of such data until the accuracy of the personal data is verified.
* If the processing is unlawful, you may object to the erasure of the personal data and instead request that the use of your personal data be restricted.
* if Glossie no longer needs the personal data but you need it to defend legal claims.
How do you exercise your rights?
We take data protection very seriously. If you wish to exercise your rights as described above, or if you have any questions about our privacy policy or our processing of your data, please contact us at any time at dataprotection@glossiebeauty.com.
If you have a Glossie account, you can exercise your rights of access, portability and rectification on your account pages, where you can also delete your account.
Data Protection Officer:
We have appointed a Data Protection Officer to ensure that we process your personal data in a transparent, accurate and lawful manner on an ongoing basis. You can contact our Data Protection Officer at dataprotectionofficer@glossiebeauty.com and write DPO in the subject line.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

If you are a California resident, you have the right to access the personal information we have about you (also known as the "right to know"), to transfer it to a new service, and to request that your personal information be corrected, updated, or deleted. If you wish to exercise these rights, please contact us using the contact details below support@glossiebeauty.com. If you wish to appoint an agent to make these requests on your behalf, please contact us at the address below.

Registered Office: 123 Cumberland Road, Reading, England, RG1 3JY
Registered number: 15185897
Registered in England.
A list of directors is available at the registered address.

You also have the right to complain to your local data protection authority or take legal action if you believe your rights have been violated. See also here for a list of local authorities.

5. How long do we keep your personal data?
In addition to the retention periods stated above in this privacy policy, we do not retain your personal data longer than necessary for the purpose of the processing in question, i.e. as required by law, for the period of performance of the contractual relationship and in some cases where we have a legitimate interest to retain your data longer in light of our legitimate interests.

However, we may also continue to use and store your data for other purposes.

In addition to the above, compliance with laws requires us to continue to store and sometimes use your order data to comply with applicable tax and accounting laws and to protect consumer rights.

6. How do we process and protect your personal data?
We process your personal data via our platform. Your personal data will then be processed electronically through automated means and stored in our information systems; your personal data may also be stored in mirrors or on backup servers.

To protect your personal data, we have implemented appropriate administrative, physical and technical security measures to keep your personal data secure at all times and to protect it from accidental or unlawful loss, access, transmission or destruction or other misuse. All persons who have access to your personal data are bound by legal or contractual confidentiality obligations.

They affect the functionality of our website and also important features. It is therefore advisable not to disable cookies.

7. changes to the privacy policy
Any material changes we make to this privacy policy in the future will be notified to you by email or on our platform. You are further advised to check this privacy policy regularly for any changes.