About Us

At Glossie, we consider your health to be of the utmost importance, which is why we strive to provide you with the ultimate high-quality shopping experience.

Glossie was founded in April 2020 after a personal experience. At the time, I was working two jobs, one in the office and one in the hospitality industry.

I was working more than 14 hours a day and didn't notice any deterioration in my physical and mental health. My leg started to swell, my vision blurred and I lost a lot of hair due to stress. That was the turning point when I decided to quit my two jobs and focus on my health. This inspired me to start Glossie, a company focused on health and self-care.

Glossie is a small but progressive company focused on finding and delivering the most convenient health products to our customers, all in one place.

Our team is constantly on the lookout for the most innovative products so you don't have to look for them yourself.

Our mission is to position Glossie as the leading online service provider by offering the best products with the highest quality and the best service to our customers.

You can rely on our team of specialists to keep you updated on the latest products and most advanced technologies.

Join our product revolution as we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in your life and contribute to the growth and proliferation of healthcare products worldwide.